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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More


                   In our recent political history, corruption has become a buzzword due to its all-pervasive existence in all our public sectors and even in private organizations. Corruption has always been a constant phenomenon in our country.
But recent drives against corruption and a huge public conscience and consciousness against it have given it a new momentum. . Bangladesh has been branded as the most corrupt country in the world for consecutive four years by Transparency International. So, both local and international pressure and call have created an urgency  to fight and curb corruption in Bangladesh.

Paragraph for Student (4)

Traffic Jam

A long line of vehicles stands still for a moment blocking the normal flow of life. This is what we actually call “Traffic Jam”. Traffic jam is one of the most irritating problems in Bangladesh. It mainly occurs near bus stands, railway crossing, a big market or at the turn of a road. The reckless playing of vehicles, hapazard parking, narrowness of the roads and overtaking tendency are the main causes of traffic jam. Weak traffic control system is also largely responsible for this.

Paragraph for Student (3)

A Rainy day

            A rainy day is a day when it rains almost all day long. The sky often remains cloudy and it is dark all around. The roads become muddy and slippery. One can not go out without an umbrella. Sometimes, the roads and fields go under water and people have to walk their homes or working places. Open manhole is very dangerous on a rainy day because one can not know where it is under water. Children can not attend theie school or go out to play. They feel very happy and they pass the day by playing indoor games like hide and seek, ludo, chess, carom etc.

Paragraph for Student (2)

Your Visit to a Science Fair
            A science fair is a display of scientific instruments. Recently I paid a visit to a science fair held in our school premises and learnt many new ideas. Some reputed schools in K.C.C. took part in this science fair with their new discoveries. They displayed hand-made models of ships, motorcars, aeroplenes, trains, radios, televesions, and computers. The fair lastedfor two days only. Local people also visited the fair and praised the young scientists for their uncommon performances. Several pavilion’s were ereated to display the scientific tools in an attractive manner.

Paragraph for Student

Arsenic Polution

Mankind are facing some problems of health and life in present day world. Arsenic is ane of them. Arsenic contamination in ground water is a serious poison. And poisoning by arsenic is a slow process. Tube-well water contains arsenic. The use of such water is dangerous. If people drink such water, they get diseases. Health experts are worried about this problem. They say that people should not drink the water which contains  arsenic. Rain water and surface water in ponds and rivers is a source of arsenic free water. People should know how to make water arsenic free through sterilisation by boiling and other methods.

Female Education in Bangladesh

Female Education in Bangladesh
Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right. Allah has created both man and women equally and has not drawn any distinct distinction between them. He has bestowed them with equal facilities. So there should be no difference of opinion regarding imparting education to women.
A good mother can produce a good citizen. In order to have good citizen, female education is a must.
Female education is not a new thing in our country. Islam has encouraged education and training to women folk. The prophet of Islam has made education compulsory for both men and women. Once Nepoleon said, “Give me a good mother and I will give you a good citizen”. A good mother obviously means an educated mother. So it needs no telling the importance of female education.

Bangladesh in retrospect

The most significant event for Bangladesh in the last century has been its birth as an independent nation. Prior to that, it experienced British colonial rule until 1947, followed by an oppressive existence as East Pakistan from 1947 to 1971.

The life of our people has often been shaped by tragedy. Floods have devastated our land and tidal waves from the sea have swept away thousands of lives. Poverty has been an ever-present specter. As a result, nearly seventy percent of the population suffer from carious degrees of malnutrition. Rapid population growth has added to this problem. Although the growth rate has slowed down to some extent, the population has almost doubled since independence.

The last century in retrospect

The last century is over, but it will not be forgotten. Many events have taken place during these years that have embellished and enriched human life. There have been significant advances in scientific achievement and technological development including immense progress in medical science. Lately, a revolution in information technology has taken the world by storm.

In ideological terms, the twentieth century has been marked by the independence of many former European colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The struggle for democracy in different parts of the world including Bangladesh has been momentous. It saw the division of Germany after the second World War, and its subsequent reunification in the eighties. The process of reunification evident here has also been echoed in other regions. The century also witnessed the rise of socialism, and the creation of super powers opposed in ideologies. However, the end of the cold war and the collapse of socialism have eased the major powers into a unipolar position.
On the other hand, conflict has deepened. The world has experienced some of the worst events in history during this time. Misuse of atomic energy has wreaked destructor. Two World Wars have recorded the worst sufferings in human history- Hiroshima and Nagasaki bear testimony to this. Conflict and strife worldwide has increased. It has seen the Vietnam war, the Gulf War , the war in Lebanon, and in many parts of Africa causing widespread death and destruction. Terrorism too is sadly on the rise.
Indeed several other things have also caused endless human misery. Poverty, hunger, malnutrition, uncontrolled population growth and high mortality rates have been common features in the poorer countries. Environmental pollution, global warning, contaminated drinking water and the AIDS epidemic are many of the major problems that we have inherited from the decades that have gone by. And yet, despite these dark aspects, the last century will remain memorable in terms of positive terms of positive human achievement……..

To Daffodils

Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attained his noon.
Stay, stay
Until the hasting day
Has run
But to the even song:
And, having prayed together, we
Will go with you aling.

We have short time to stay, as you
We have as short a spring;
As quick a growth to meet decay,
As you, or anything.
We die.
As your hours do, and dry
A way
Like to the summer’s rain,
Or as the pearls of morning’s dew,
Ne’er to be found again.

By Robert Herrick

Television Advertisements

     Television channels present all kinds of programmers. Viewers choose their favorite ones. But the programmers are often interrupted by advertisements.
These are sponsored by manufacturers of goods. They produce all kinds of things. These things have to be sold. The more goods they sell, the more profit they make. But they face competitions from other manufacturers of the same goods. So in order to attract customers, they advertise their products on television. This is how they tempt the buyers. They understand human psychology. If we find goods advertised on television day after day, it becomes difficult for us to resist the temptation. Even if we do not need the things, constant advertisements induce us to buy them.
Advertisement cause annoyance when they interrupt a favorite programmer. Sometimes they go on for a long time and we feel like switching off the set. But we do not do that because we think this one might be the last. When the series of advertisements ends, we feel relived. However, there are advertisements which are presented in an attractive manner. They are fascinating. They are a pleasure to watch.
One bad aspect of the advertisements is that they tend to increase people’s demand for goods whether they need them or not. Demand for goods puts a strain on our purses. We may not have money to buy them. But somehow or other we try to manage the money. Sometimes this forces people to earn money through dishonest means. People are also induced to buy luxury items---- items they do not really need. The whole society becomes preoccupied with material things.
However, nothing can prevent the advertisers from putting advertisement from putting advertisements on television. The public will have to decide between essential goods and inessential ones. This is how we can avoid waste. There is a saying: “waste not, want not”