Beautiful Bangladesh
Visiting Bangladesh : ( Tips for Foreigners )
Welcome to you for Visiting our
country. Come and see………
At the airport, there are taxis and
aot-rickshaws called babi-taxis, but you have to bargain for the fare. They demand
three or four times more than the usual fare, even more when they see
foreigners, especially Europeans. Taxicab services have been introduced but
many taxis do not use meters and therefore you may be overcharged.
It is difficult to drive in Bangladesh
if you have no experience of driving here. Drivers change lanes frequently. As
a foreigner you might find lane-changing without signals quite distressing.
Many people do not follow traffic signals. Rickshaws and babi-taxis move in and
out in zigzag course and try to push through wherever they find some space.
Moreover, pedestrians cross over whenever and wherever they wish. All these make driving inBangladesh
a nightmare experience.
Moreover, pedestrians cross over whenever and wherever they wish. All these make driving in
A Few Basic Stats…… Area: About 144,000 sq. km. (About the size of Wisconsin)
Population: 130 million (till we lost count...)
Capital City: Dhaka (pop: 8 million and sprouting)
People: 95% Bengali, 2% Bihari, 3% Indigenous
Languages: Bengali, English (Binglish) & several tribal languages
Religion: 85% Islam, 12% Hindu, 2% Buddhist and 1% Christian & Animist
Government: Constitutional Republic
Time: GMT/UTC plus six hours
Electricity: 220 volts, 50Hz
Weights & Measures: Metric
Population: 130 million (till we lost count...)
Capital City: Dhaka (pop: 8 million and sprouting)
People: 95% Bengali, 2% Bihari, 3% Indigenous
Languages: Bengali, English (Binglish) & several tribal languages
Religion: 85% Islam, 12% Hindu, 2% Buddhist and 1% Christian & Animist
Government: Constitutional Republic
Time: GMT/UTC plus six hours
Electricity: 220 volts, 50Hz
Weights & Measures: Metric
Hospitality has long been a part of
our culture in Bangladesh .
Although many other things are changing now, people are still quite polite and
friendly towards foreigners. They like speaking to foreigners even if they have
not been introduced. It is quite common for Bangladeshis to ask personal questions
about family, job and income which visitors from overseas might find awkward.
However it should be understood that no harm is meant by such questions- on the
other hand, they express a genuine interest in the foreigner’s state of
Transport system:
The whole
country has a fairly good communication network now. Anybody can travel to most
places now by bus or train. The major cities have air links too. Some ciries
have regular flights, in most cases more than one flight, from and to Dhaka .
However time schedules are not often maintained strictly and there may be
disruptions due to unforeseen causes.
E-mail and
internet services:
Cybercafés have opened up in the major cities
which provides internet services
including e-mail quite cheaply to everyone including overseas visitors.
Internet services have also allowed some of Dhaka ’s
daily newspapers to reach readers around the world.
So, please
come in our country (Bangladesh ) and enjoy your life peacefully
and more happily…. Thank you….
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